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Category: Wills & Estates

A couple estate planning and creating a personal directive with the help of legal advice from a lawyer

Estate Planning: What Is a Personal Directive?

The first thing that typically comes to mind when people think about estate planning is a will. Although a legally valid and up-to-date will is a necessary component of estate planning, it’s far from sufficient. A will only protects your interests after you die; it does not protect your interests if you lose capacity and…
A hand signing the bottom of a will when estate planning

How to Prepare a Will

Life events happens, some of which we can control, and others are totally out of our control. Some of these events that we have control over are, deciding to obtain academic degrees, getting married and having children. Death on the other hand is inevitable and we have no control over it. The thought of planning…
A power of attorney document laying on a desk with a pen and pair of glasses sitting on top

What is an Enduring Power of Attorney?

Who Makes Financial Decisions for You When You Can’t? It’s easy to put off planning for the future, but an enduring power of attorney is an important part of organizing your estate if anything were to happen to you. An enduring power of attorney allows someone to make financial decisions for you if you lose…

Why Prepare a Will?

A will is the only way you can leave instructions regarding the distribution of your earthly belongings when you’re gone. Whether your final wishes are respected depends on whether you have a will, what it says, and whether it is worded correctly. A will is a legal document that governs your estate – all of…

What is an Executor and How Do I Appoint One?

Developing your will can be complicated. Depending on the complexity of your estate, you may spend a lot of time and effort creating a plan for administering your estate according to your wishes and in the best interest of your loved ones. But who will make sure your wishes are followed through after you pass…

Why you need a Personal Directive (a.k.a. “Living Will”)

A Personal Directive, commonly known as a Living Will, is a document which allows a person (the “Maker”) to designate another person (the “Agent”) to make decisions regarding non-financial personal matters, such as medical treatment, residence and social activities if the Maker becomes mentally incapable of making these decisions on their own. The Personal Directive…

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Reference Materials

How to Purchase a Business: Legal Steps You Need to Know


Some of the legal steps that are necessary in the process of buying a business include determining the type of sale, going through the process of due diligence, acquiring the right contracts and licences, and mitigating the risks involved in the purchase. […]

Read More… from How to Purchase a Business: Legal Steps You Need to Know

February 6, 2025
Khalil Haji

Navigating Commercial Leases

Real Estate

Commercial leasing is a vital aspect of business operations, offering companies the opportunity to secure suitable spaces for their operations. While commercial leases come in all different shapes and sizes, a quality commercial lease considers the rights and obligations of both parties, to each other, as well as to any potential third-party stakeholders – such […]

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July 8, 2024
Tariq Jomaa

Alert: Upcoming Increases to Land Titles Office Registration Fees

Real Estate

On February 29, 2024, the Government of Alberta announced increases to the Land Titles Office (LTO) registration fees, which will affect both property transfers and mortgage registrations. These changes, outlined in the 2024 Budget “Fiscal Plan 2024-27”, will have implications for individuals engaging in real estate transactions across the province. Currently, the LTO registration fees […]

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March 4, 2024
Tariq Jomaa
A person interested in a business is listening to their lawyer explain the process of buying a business to them.

Some of the legal steps that are necessary in the process of buying a business include determining the type of sale, going through the process of due diligence, acquiring the right contracts and licences, and mitigating the risks involved in the purchase. […]

Read More… from How to Purchase a Business: Legal Steps You Need to Know

Commercial leasing is a vital aspect of business operations, offering companies the opportunity to secure suitable spaces for their operations. While commercial leases come in all different shapes and sizes, a quality commercial lease considers the rights and obligations of both parties, to each other, as well as to any potential third-party stakeholders – such […]

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On February 29, 2024, the Government of Alberta announced increases to the Land Titles Office (LTO) registration fees, which will affect both property transfers and mortgage registrations. These changes, outlined in the 2024 Budget “Fiscal Plan 2024-27”, will have implications for individuals engaging in real estate transactions across the province. Currently, the LTO registration fees […]

Read More… from Alert: Upcoming Increases to Land Titles Office Registration Fees

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