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Category: Real Estate

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Buying a Condo? What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself

Condominium living provides many amazing benefits: affordability, less maintenance, security, and sometimes even amenities right under your own roof.  However, there are aspects of condominium living that you must consider before you dive into residential real estate ownership and more particularly, condo life. For example, shared ownership, governing bylaws, and annual reports. What does this […]

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Buying a New RENTAL Property? You May Qualify for a GST Rebate!

If you are purchasing a newly constructed or substantially renovated residential property for rental purposes, the purchase price will be subject to goods and services tax (“GST”).  However, you may qualify for a rebate of a portion of the GST payable through the Canada Revenue Agency’s (“CRA”) “GST/HST New Residential Rental Property Rebate.” The GST/HST […]

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